Net Good City: A Brighter Future For Our City 

By Jonny Prest

Leicester is a city that’s bursting with life. With a pulse of innovation that beats loud and clear, it’s time to harness it and set the standard for what a 21st-century city can and should be. 

For over a decade, we have been working with city and county councils, businesses and NGOs to deliver environmental and sustainability programmes and campaigns to encourage greener behaviour changes and motivate better choices. So why are so many people still unaware of the effects of climate change and how our day-to-day behaviour plays a role in this looming global catastrophe?

Something needs to change. That’s why we’re proud to announce the launch of Net Good City, a new initiative that’s all about improving the social and environmental foundation of our community, one step at a time.

We’re living in a world that’s changing fast. Social inequality and economic instability are just a few of the challenges we’re facing. So how do we engage with the wider issue of climate change when many of us are struggling just to get by, heat our homes or eat a healthy meal? The answer is simple: by taking care of each other and by supporting our communities to make small changes to the way we live.

Building a better tomorrow

Net Good City is about doing just that. It’s about creating a better future for all of us by promoting small changes that can have a big impact. By supporting communities to take small actions, such as reducing food waste and encouraging cleaner travel, we can create a healthier, happier, cleaner and greener city that serves as a model for others to follow. And it’s not just about individuals. Businesses in Leicester have a critical role to play too. We want to encourage our business community to embrace social purpose and operate more sustainably. 

By working together, we can create a city that’s not just thriving but one that’s leading the way in making a positive impact.

Using the good in the city for the good of the city

So here’s the plan: in April, we’re kicking off the Net Good City programme, a series of events, activities and workshops from sustainability leaders from the local area such as University of Leicester, De Montfort University, LCB Depot, and UOcean to explore creative solutions on how we can all live – and work – more sustainably. 

We’ve got a whole smorgasbord of events planned aimed at making our city a better place. Want to get outside and clean up our River Soar? Join us for a community litter pick or two. For the environmentally conscious businesses out there, we’ve got decarbonisation workshops to guide you on the path to a greener future. And for all you fashion aficionados, Net Good City will support Design Season’s Textiles Takeover to promote textile design and the circular economy (and later in the year we’ll be supporting Leicester’s first-ever textile festival).

The Net Good City programme already has a stellar lineup on the roster, but we’re still on the lookout for workshop facilitators, sponsors and volunteers to take part and help build a movement of people taking on meaningful action on environmental and social causes. If you have an inspiring story to share, have a community project to amplify, or just want to get involved and join us on the journey to a better tomorrow, then we’d like to hear from you!

Great things come from collaboration, and through the power of a united community, together, we can make Leicester an oasis of sustainability. 

For more information on how you can get involved as a sponsor, workshop facilitator, or volunteer, please reach out to [email protected].

Written in collaboration with Naomi Couper

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